Activities & Events
Children’s local activities:
Water gun fight @ Little Baker Hill
KES basketball tournament
Americanism Flag Day ceremony at KES
Video: The Battle for Baker Hill!
(The link will take you to Mike’s Facebook page. To view the video, click on its title the right under the photograph.)
Water gun fight @ Little Baker Hill - photo of “General Ryan” in the lead (Americanism activity)
L - R: Dana Wyman, Pat Mitchell, Richard Burns (aka “Dick Dastardly”)
Table for One ceremony commemorating POW and MIA veterans
Post LXI versus school basketball team challenge
Fulton Ryan working the toll bridge
Roger Meldrum, Pat Mitchell & Tom O’Hara: Flags over Kingfield
Senior Veterans
Flag folding ceremony
Memorial for the Fallen
Other activities and projects:
Flag Retirement Ceremonies
Memorial Day Ceremony for the Fallen (photo of Johnny Maynard @ Memorial Day ceremony for the fallen)
Honor guard for the Kingfield Days Parade
Flag folding @ New Portland Fair
Fund raising toll bridge (photo with Chaplain Fulton Ryan)
Table for One ceremony commemorating POW and MIA veterans
2021 parade float – back portrait of Jim Wilkerson, Christie King, Mauno Kankinnen (sp?)
21-gun salute
Flags at cemeteries and around Kingfield, including Field of Flags at the monument
Salute for the Fallen Memorial Day Service at the memorial in Kingfield – all are invited
Boys State (sponsors 2 boys for participation in the national event)